Has this ever happen to you too???
Well stop worrying too much and pay attention to this:
Today I received the last issue of this year's subscription of one of my favorite UK photo magazines called "Digital Photo".

The December 2007 issue talks about Black&White as well as how to master all-new mono skills.
But this was not what it came into my attention on this month's issue. This time they included some "Inspiration coupons" that could be very helpful when you are on those "not so good" photographic inspirational days.
Take a look at this:

What you need to do after printing them on a sheet of paper is to cut all the coupons and separate them into 3 piles one for the "Themes & Subjects", the other for "Lens/Focal Length and the last pile you put the "Time of the Day/Lighting" coupons, now mix them on a separate bag or box.
Now you start by grabbing one from the "Themes & Subjects" pile one coupon and that would be your Theme or Subject for the shoot, then you just have to make the same procedure for each one of the other piles.
So for example you could be drawing "Urban Landscape"+Prime Lens+Daylight, got it?
If by any reason you do not have one particular lens say a macro or a wide lens then you remove that coupon from the pile.
--- Update ---
Reader Viljo Marrandi created a link to make this available over the web. This way you just have to click on the Generate button and it will generate the assignments based on the coupons.
Thank you Viljo for making this happening on your server.
Hope this would give some more help on the inspiration matters and hope you enjoy this helping tip.
So have a great photo challenge after you print them.
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Don't worry Rui. You are not alone in the lack of inspiration...
Pretty good idea the one from the magazine !
I'll try it myself !
Saúde !
This is an AWESOME idea, I'm downloading this right away.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Lovely Thanks for sharing ...
Gr8 blog ..Love your topics..
That's a great idea! But I, lazy as I am, created a little web-page where you can generate for yourself these tasks:
Maybe some other lazy people find it useful too.
Viljo Marrandi thank you for making that on a web basis.
I would link to it on the direct post so that everyone could use and enjoy it.
Once again thanks for the link.
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