Well here is my story.
I've ordered last week, from Adorama website some more umbrellas to complement the kit of 2 that I already had from last year.
After waiting almost a week for some reply from MPEX I decided to move on with this order, even that it would cost me more. Sorry Mike Cotter (MPEX Shipping Manager) but it took you too long to reply a simple mail concerning shipping some umbrellas to Europe.
As you may well know it's difficult to find these babies here in Europe for a good price and since I like them so much for it's portability and usage I was desperately needing some more to get that David Hobby clam shell portraits look. If you do not know what I'm talking about you can see the photo here and setup shot here.
Placed the order last week (Invoice# 4226215 placed on the 15th Nov07) and received it today.
Well very fast service to Europe and Customs only took me 25,00 euros more.
Anyway I was glad that the service was fast that I didn't mind paying extra 25,00 for the customs.
I opened the box and the first thing I noticed was the labels. They now had mentioned "... with Adorama Logo"... wait a minute... with Adorama logo??? there must be something wrong in here.
Here is the link to the White and Silver umbrellas from Adorama do you see any Adorama logo there?
Take a look for yourself:
On the top row are the bar codes for the ones I ordered last year and on the bottom the new bar codes they implemented. What the heck!!! They can do that???
After I've opened the umbrellas they now look like this:
Big, white (illustrated here) or black cover for the silvered ones, Adorama logo stamped there for some free commercial advertisement :( They Suck!!
Now every time I go into a Strobist meeting or making an assignment with clients I will be forced to have their logo on my umbrellas and make campaign for their products free... NO WAY!!!
Here is the Silver one.
Here is the White one.
As you can see both of them have a BIG Adorama logo so you can serve their campaign purpose while your doing your photography assignments.
And if this was not enough I noticed that they do not make them as safely as previous ones, just let me show you a new great feature that you can even impress your friends.
Here is the side-by-side between the first ones I ordered last year (I called them original) and the new ones (represented in red as Adorama umbrella).
Maybe you are not seeing the point in here so let's take a closer look.
Original Westcott umbrella with round safety tips.
Adorama with sharp unfinished cut that you can easily hurt yourself or take somebodies eye.
And talking about hurting yourself... I even hurt myself on closing one of them.
You you close them you have to push a little harder inside so it could be well closed and if you do not pay attention you can hurt your finger from the position you have them while closing it.
This was a very disappointing, even though the shipping was fast, I would not expect to pay Adorama to put a BIG logo on the Westcott umbrellas and not mentioned it either on their web site nor on the Invoice... they simple put it there and now go make some advertisement of our store for free.
I've already sent a friendly email to them but I don't think a they will give a s&%# for this matter.
One day you will be buying a camera and they will stick their logo in it so you can advertise their company and products...
What can you do on a case like this ?
Could this matters be sued?
Who regulates these kind of things?
Does Westcott know this is happening, and worst are they letting?
What will become of us photographers when companies like this will start treating you as their commercial piece of advertisement and for free?
These are just the thoughts of a photographer who do not like to pay for a particular article of a certain brand and then be fooled by the seller who insist to advertise their brand on the the product you bought.
If you are buying some stuff from Adorama pay attention to this, not saying that their product and services are bad (they are not), only saying that you may be buy a Canon MarkIII with Adorama logo and free advertisement included;)
I wouldn't mind have one of these, if they were available ;)
If the Adorama logo only replaces the Wescott logo, then Wescott must be aware of it (since they can't have put their logo in the first place).
I can't wait to see the next how-to post about removing the logo from your umbrella.. ;-)
I'm sure there is an instructable somwhere.
I'd be worried less about the Adorama label as I would about the inferior quality. You'd be advertising for Westcot instead of Adorama either way. I believe it's similar to department stores replacing labels on suits, for example. I bought Calvin Klein suit at Macys recently, and after the alterations, I found they'd replaced the label on the inside of the jacket with a Macy's label. I think it's legal, but unfortunate just the same.
However, I would try to check and see if the inferior product is something that Westcot has changed in production of the product. Otherwise, Adorama could be responsible for false advertising.
A final note: I live in New York, and have shopped at both B&H and Adorama at their retail locations. B&H runs like a finely oiled machine (something that is worth seeing if you're ever here, even if you're not buying anything. It looks completely crazy, but all transactions are quick and easy, and if the computer says they have something in stock, it's ALWAYS in stock. Adorama is chaos -you waity forever only to be told that they can't find what you're looking for. I prefer B&H, and their prices are generally about the same.
Awesome? The logo is so large, it could be caught in a catch light! How wonderful... blah... I like my umbrellas that have no logos at all... and they are Westcott... What's the deal with that anyway? mine are convertible between white and black, so i have the sharp ends too... but thats because the black cover has the rounded ends... I haven't hurt myself, but i am very careful! :)
will foster the sharp ends was new to me I have 2 of the Westcott models and they have the soft tips and never get hurt before.
The Adorama umbrella for the first time I close it I did hurt my fingers because I wasn't expecting it and imagine if it was a clients eye ;)
But what bothers me most is the logo, free advertisement and the umbrellas are not Adorama brand.
Looks to me like they sent you the Adorama store brand umbrellas instead of the Westcott ones. They are probably essentially the same thing except that the Adorama branded ones sell for $5 to $10 cheaper...
Send your story to the Consumerist website at www.consumerist.com they are all about this type of thing and usually get some great results.
I purchased a silver and a white w/ black cover umbrella from MPEX this year, but neither has the rounded tips. Fortunately, no huge Adorama logo though. ;)
PS: I had to pay tax & duties too, wish we could get them cheaper over here. :(
Hi Sean, well at least they could have put some kind of link on their web site so people could be warned about before they conclude the order.
Thanks for the comment.
Cris just done that, thanks for the tip. Will post if anything will come up.
Got the reply from Adorama customer service but no mention concerning the customs I've already paid.
They also said that I could ask for replacements but then again will I have to pay again the customs when the new ones return?
Order is going back tomorrow and I will give them a call.
Keep you all posted on this.
Here goes copy of today's reply
"Dear customer:
Sorry for this inconvenience, you can return the item on the first 14 days of your purchase (7 for video, audio, and digital equipment) you may return merchandise for a full money back refund ( excluding any shipping charges) or exchange.
Items must be in the original packing with all packing material. The manufacturer's
labeled packaging must be enclosed within an additional shipping carton.
Please include a copy of the invoice, and a reason for your return, also state if you wish
to exchange the product or refund.
ship to :
Order processing
7 Slater Drive
Elizabeth NJ 07206
Please wait 8 days from the date we receive the item for us to process it. "
Simple as that, return the goods but we will not pay you back the shipping nor the returning shipping postage and the customs you will have to pay them again.
Tomorrow they will be flying back to mama and I will ask for some new ones with no Adorama logos. Keep you guys posted on this matter.
Also you can follow the discussion thread at flickr (http://www.flickr.com/groups/strobist/discuss/72157603248041095/)
What's so special about Wescott umbrellas? Can't you get other umbrellas locally?
D.Kwan, they are special because they can be collapsible and fit in small places on your bag just that.
If I had a Chinese store near buy who could make them cheap than that would be a different story...
And the reply from westcott is as follow:
We use our stock umbrellas to provide Adorama with a logo'd umbrella by request. We do this for many different dealers that buy in volume our umbrellas - it is only to help advertise their store. This is perfectly acceptable given Westcott does not sell direct.
Some of our umbrellas still do offer the rounded tips, but the stock for that particular style is now with a different tip. The message was forwarded to Purchasing for a further explanation of why the change in tips and I will provide that to you when management is back in the office next week.
Jennifer Holtsberry
I guess you could always put a blob of solder on the tips for safety, or maybe so heatshrink plastic used for electronics. Its not ideal though.pfa
Does it modify light any differently than the "original"? I don't see the problem.
Its highly possible that Westcot knows about what Adorama is doing. In fact, i wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if Adorama had to PAY Westcot for the privilege of putting their name on the umbrella.
Companies are renowned for getting "free" advertising in where ever possible. Go look on the back of your car for a reminder about where you bought it.
David, thanks for the comment but my car does not have any add on the license plate if that what you mean.
I know the logo does not interfere with light or even block it but would you mind paying for your car and have a BIG logo of the guy who sold it to you on the doors?
That wouldn't either block you from entering the car nor open the door wouldn't it?
Catch my drift?
I live in the U.S. and bought a silver brolly from MPEX in the past month with the sharp ends. It has the "Made by Westcott for Midwest Photo Exchange" logo.
I live in the U.S. and bought a silver brolly from MPEX in the past month with the sharp ends. It has the "Made by Westcott for Midwest Photo Exchange" logo.
What I want to know is where can I get one of those with the strobist logo? Wouldn't mind at all advertising for a worthwhile cause!
Just to let you all know that Adorama refund me and never send me the umbrellas without the logo.
So this means that they would not send any umbrellas without their logos to the clients so be aware of this when you post your orders.
The total amount refunded was $82,80 that was the total amount I have paid for the umbrellas (3 white and 1 silver).
They did not mentioned refunding me the 25,00 euros I paid for customs nor the 35,00 euros for the returned umbrellas.
So with this all story I have learned a BIG lesson.
This guys sucks concerning customer service and also I lost my time and money and did not get the goods.
Very good company in deed.
I hope this helps a lot more people concerning the Adorama logo umbrella issues.
I will try that they will refund me for the money I lost but I do not believe that would happen so I rest my case.
If you had bought them from MPEX (Midwest Photo Exchange) they would have had the MPEX logo on them. I have one of each. Disappointing, but that's what you get for a good price I guess. I don't have time right now to hunt down a "logo-less" one.
i know it's wayyy late, but why did no one think to get a 2 Dollar can of white spraypaint and spray the shit away? at least the logo wouldn't be so obvious....
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