I know it came a little late to my attention but I think that things like this do never come too late :)
Lighting Mods has feature, in 2007-07-15, on the www.diyphotography.net blog as one of the favorites right above Strobist.
Thank you Udi J. Tirosh for the confidence and wonderful support at diyphotography.net, you really got yourself a pretty good page there with lots of great information.
I also wanna take the time to THANK YOU ALL for the wonderful support, over the last year, and for all the emails with questions and suggestions. Keep them coming :)
I also would like to mention that My Wife and I we're expecting 2 Babies David and Tereza and they will start to see the "available light" on the 13th February, today doctor's confirmation.
Things may become a little bit slower than the normal posting but I'm preparing some good articles in advance ;)
I'm also planning on creating the Monday tip of the week so that each week you will have a tip to improve your shooting either with flash or non flash subjects.
Hope I can make this on a regular basis since time will only tell.
As usual suggestions and tips are more than welcome.
cool, congratulations on the babies!
Congrats Rui!
on the babies and the linkage ;)
Congratulations on the little ones...and thanks for having this blog for newbies like me. Now my wife doesn't mind me spending a lot of time photographing things because it doesn't cost me much to make the things you show....
Yeah! I was born on 13-th february to :D Best wishes to both of you and the babies :)
Rui, That is great news.
A big Mazal Tov to you and your wife. I cant wait to see the pictures of David and Tereza. (and the tip of the week, but I really want to the kids more....)
- udi
Congrats on all fronts!
I haven't had as much time to read as I'd like, but yours is one of the ones on the 'gotta-look-at' list.
Many congrats with the oncoming event in February.
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