Download for win Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.4 and Mac.
Changes in Lightroom 1.4:
• Fixed reading files from Nikon D100 camera, improved support for the camera Olympus E-3.
• Also, improvements in the Lightroom Export SDK - a tool for developers to create plug-ins for the export of Lightroom.
• The errors in the plug for downloading pictures to an FTP server.
• Added support cameras Canon 1Ds Mark III, Nikon D3, Nikon D300, Olympus E-3 and others
• Compatibility with legacy printer drivers on OS X 10.5 (Leopard) has been updated.
• Previous camera profiles identified in the Calibrate panel of the Develop module may have displayed poor results at extreme ends of the temperature and tint ranges. A new camera profile identified as Camera Raw 4.4 is now available and will be applied by default to all images without existing Camera Raw or Lightroom settings. The creation of new default profiles will also include the updated Camera Raw 4.4 profile. Images edited in Camera Raw or Lightroom with earlier profiles will retain the earlier profile value and visual appearance.
• In previous grayscale conversions the Color Noise setting was disabled and this could result in an image with excessive noise when grayscale channel mixing is applied (which is why I desaturated all of the colors to make a black & white). Both the tool and effect have been enabled in Lightroom 1.4 providing the ability to reduce noise in grayscale conversions. In order to return to the prior visual appearance, Color Noise reduction can be set to zero.
And while you are updating Adobe Lightroom please take the time to download the new version of Camera Raw 4.4 for your Adobe Photoshop CS3 only. This Raw update will not work with previous versions of Adobe Photoshop.
Here are the links for Win and Mac.
Support for the following cameras has been added in this update.
• Canon EOS 450D (Digital Rebel XSi/EOS Kiss X2)
• Fujifilm S100FS
• Nikon D60
• Olympus SP-570 UZ
• Pentax K20D
• Pentax K200D
• Sony A200
• Sony A300
• Sony A350
Additional Notes for Camera Raw 4.4:
• Previous camera profiles identified in the Calibrate panel may have displayed poor results at extreme ends of the temperature and tint ranges. A new camera profile identified as Camera Raw 4.4 is now available and will be applied by default to all images currently without existing Camera Raw or Lightroom settings. The creation of new default settings will also include the updated Camera Raw 4.4 profile. Images edited in Camera Raw or Lightroom with earlier profiles will retain the earlier profile value and visual appearance.
• All version of Camera Raw 4 are unable to open files with dimensions greater than 10,000 pixels on one side.
• Lightroom and Camera Raw will be updated together to ensure raw format and settings compatibility.
It's also worth mentioning that there are few bugs in Lightroom 1.4.
- Exif Datetime is corrupted in exported files (at least in JPG files)
- Importing DNG files or converting files to DNG (or saving metadata & preview for DNG files imported in previous version of LR) may corrupt DNG file
So before installing 1.4 it might be good idea to check Adobe user to user forums at: http://www.adobeforums.com/cgi-bin/webx/.3bc2cf0a/
Lightroom 1.4 has been pulled. If you have already upgraded, downgrade by following the instructions on Adobe's website.
QA has erred, apparently!
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