Another Damon Webster Photoinduced.com video production series.
Harry How is a staff sports photographer who works as an internal for Getty Images.
Watch the 3 full videos has he leads us into the inside of his bag and to the equipment choices for his sports assignments.
So let's peek inside his bag...
As a sports photographer for Getty Images, Harry How has worked most of the major events in sports: Super Bowl, the Masters, Olympics, and playoffs of every other sport. In Part 1 of our visit with Harry, we hear how he began and listen to some sound advice on getting started in the biz.
In Part 2 of our visit with Harry, you get a real look at the gear he carries to get the shots, that get the money. And if you want to get into this profession, pay close attention to the next video.
And the final video takes you to the rest of the gear and some more tips about security.
Hope you enjoy another inside of a photographer's bag.

Great post! :D
Please include a link to the YouTube page for the videos, if they're from YouTube:
It ISN'T possible for many of us to view the videos directly, but with Video Downloadhelper, we CAN get 'em from YouTube and view 'em on our machines.
Whatever is in all the videos you post/link-to, is probably worth seeing, but maybe it isn't?
Anyways, nice text..
Also, including a transcript for all of us who can't view the videos under any circumstances would be nice, you know, inclusive...
That was a great set of how-to videos and insight into your bag. I have been shooting for 15 years and have really decided to get more serious about my work in the sports area, I would love to hear more specifics on putting together a good portfolio or post on other blogs that might help in putting together a good portfolio.
I have a business for my photography, and I load most presentable edits into my image gallery that corresponds with my blog, and I live in a college town where there are tons of sports always going on, I just can't seem to get to the right people to gain access to shoot any of them. Hard to build a good port when you can't get access to shoot. I will keep plugging away, thanks again for the videos, they were great.
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